What are basic daily cleaning checklist techniques?

When it comes to cleaning, there are many times that no matter how much effort you put in still there are some things that are left around the house that require the cleaning and you always put them up for cleaning the next time.

To keep your progress in sight you should keep a list of daily cleaning. You can mention all the chores in that list and keep a check on what needs to be done and what has already been done. House cleaning Lake Forest Park has some things that need/should be on your daily cleaning checklist. 

When house cleaning this is extra helpful for people who work as they come back from a tiring day they won’t have to think alot about work that needs to be done around the house and get it done easily and also is helpful for maintaining a routine around the household and will save you a lot of time on the big cleaning day. 

Daily cleaning hacks that will save you time 

During the house cleaning don’t go to bed with dirty dishes in the sink

Make your bed every morning

Hang the clothes you used that day

Empty the dishwasher while making coffee.

When house cleaning clean the toilet / bathroom while older children bathe in the tub 

Keep your bathrooms clean longer by keeping the cleaning wipes in each bathroom. Counters and sinks can be cleaned quickly after each use 

Clean the kitchen while cooking

Apply a “don’t wear shoes” rule to keep floors cleaner for longer

Clean the other areas of the house while the clean products have the possibility of soaking 

When house cleaning keep your laundry baskets or containers in every room or organize a laundry session

Invest in a light vacuum cleaner, a robot vacuum cleaner or a mop spray for daily cleaning

1) kitchen

When house cleaning use a damp cloth to wipe the problem spots on the floor you love to collect debris 

Fold and hang the tea towels

Organize the fridge / pantry and use this time to plan meals for the week.

Clean the surfaces of the kitchen, dining room and food preparation with a universal cleaner.

Loading in the dishwasher

Empty basket

Clean the microwave oven, toaster tray, etc.

Rinse the bottom of the sink

2) Living room / bedroom

When house cleaning order the living room, fold the covers, stack books and magazines

Dust off the entertainment center

Straighten cushions, blankets, sofa cushions, etc.

Organize the mess, sort mail and documents

Wash a load of clothes daily to prevent batteries from accumulating

Empty all the rubbish bins in the house.

Go through the house with a basket that collects objects that do not belong and bring them back to the appropriate place

Straighten the mud bath and organize boots and shoes


For more daily cleaning checklist you can get in touch with your local House Cleaning Lake Forest Park experts or book an appointment with House Cleaning Lake Forest Park now.

Four Seasons Cleaning
Four Seasons Cleaning

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Our professional house cleaning service ensures your home is cleaned to your satisfaction. At your free in-home or virtual consultation, we’ll discuss conducting an initial cleaning. Four Seasons Cleaning offers the flexibility to schedule visits every week, every two weeks or monthly.