7 Tips For Stress-Free Holiday Travel


Are you feeling overwhelmed by the thought of holiday travel? You’re not alone! With all of the hustle and bustle that comes with the holidays, travel can add a lot of extra stress. That’s why we’ve put together these 7 holiday travel tips to help you have a stress-free Christmas. Whether you’re leaving Seattle by plane, train, or car, these tips are sure to make your holiday travel go more smoothly.

1) Charge your electronics

Being stuck at an airport without a way to charge your phone or laptop can be extremely frustrating and make your holiday travel even more stressful. To ensure that you’re prepared for your journey, make sure to add charging all of your devices to your travel checklist!

It’s also a good idea to bring a backup power bank with you, just in case you need it during your trip. That way, if you do find yourself in need of a quick charge, you’ll have the tools to get the job done.

2) Get some cash

When it comes to cash, make sure you have enough on hand to cover any unforeseen expenses or emergencies. Cash can also be very helpful on a trip when it comes to tipping, paying for parking, and other cash-only situations you might encounter.

If you’re traveling overseas, it’s best to exchange your money in advance so that you don’t have to worry about finding a currency exchange location when you arrive at your destination.

3) Pack toiletries and medications

When you are planning holiday travel, make sure to add toiletries and medications to your travel checklist. This will ensure that you have all the items you need for your trip and can help you avoid any last-minute trips to the store if you forget something.

Be sure to pack enough medication to last for the entire trip. If you run out of anything, it can be difficult or impossible to find what you need or get a medication refill when you reach your destination. This is also a good opportunity to make sure that nothing has passed its expiration date.

4) Notify your bank of upcoming travel

Before you begin your holiday travel, be sure to notify your bank of your upcoming travels. Doing so can save you a lot of stress, as banks often detect suspicious activity on accounts when they see charges from unfamiliar locations. Notifying your bank of your plans ensures that there won’t be any unexpected account freezes or holds that could derail your trip.
To give your bank a heads-up about your travel plans, reach out to them via phone or email. Some banks even have online forms for customers to fill out with their travel information. Be sure to provide details about where you’ll be traveling and for how long.

5) Check the weather at your destination

Before you head out on your holiday travels, make sure to check the weather at your destination. This is an essential part of any travel checklist, especially since you’re traveling during the winter. You’ll want to pack accordingly to have the appropriate clothing, shoes, and outerwear.

6) Don’t forget your passport

If applicable, check your passport before traveling to make sure it is up to date and that you have enough blank pages left. You don’t want to be stranded at the airport trying to get a new one issued.

7) Book a professional home cleaning with Four Seasons Cleaning

To make sure your home is ready for your return, add a professional home cleaning to your travel checklist. Booking a professional cleaning with Four Seasons Cleaning prior to traveling will ensure your home is in tip-top shape before you leave, so you don’t have to worry about coming back to a mess. Plus, coming home to a sparkling clean house will be the perfect way to welcome the new year!

Four Seasons Cleaning offers home recurring cleaning services, one-time cleaning, and disinfectant cleaning. We serve areas in Seattle including Eastside areas such as Medina, WA, Mercer Island, WA, Woodinville, WA, and more!

Call us today at (425) 821-4503 or book online.

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Four Seasons Cleaning

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Our professional house cleaning service ensures your home is cleaned to your satisfaction. At your free in-home or virtual consultation, we’ll discuss conducting an initial cleaning. Four Seasons Cleaning offers the flexibility to schedule visits every week, every two weeks or monthly.