customizable add-on cleaning services

Specialized Add-On Cleaning Services in Seattle, WA

Book Your Cleaning CALL: (425) 528-9101

Here’s what we can do for you as part of our add-on services

  • Cleaning the inside & outside of the oven for an additional $55
  • Tackling the outside & inside of the empty fridge & freezer, priced at $25
  • Tackling the outside & inside of a stocked fridge & freezer, priced at $55
  • Clean all inside windows in areas of up to 3,000 square feet for an added $150
  • Clean all inside windows in spaces of up to 6,000 square feet for an added $250
  • Sweep the porch for an added fee of $15 per porch
  • Sweep floors in up to two garages for an additional price of $15
  • Spot-wipe the walls without floor-to-ceiling cleaning at $5 per wall
  • Wipe down entire walls from floor to ceiling, up to 10 feet high, for $15 per wall

Explore other services

If you need one or more of the additional services listed below, call us and we’ll tailor a quote based on your requirements.

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Request your quote now

Interested in booking our services but have some areas that need specialized attention? We can help. Book a free in-home estimate or request an online quote, and we’ll craft a checklist that covers everything that you need!